MethodCash V4.1 ニュース

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ニュース記事を見る - The End Of An Era. October 4, 2013
Dear Affiliates,

First, I would like to thank you for the years of hard work you have put in supporting my site at

It has come time for me to retire and move into a new life. We will be keeping the site open and we will continue to update the remaining content we have, but there will be no more live chats or house cams on the site.

As an archive site of my work, I am sure the site will continue to generate revenue for years to come.

To address any concerns about existing rebills, with the site staying live, in an archive state, all rebills will continue to rebill, and the signup links you have, will continue to work, as they always have.

I thank you again, for your years of hard work you have done in promoting my site.

With Great love and respect!

Francine Dee and Management at